Maria recently revived her interest in porcelain dolls.
She has several head moulds and she casts and fires her own heads.

Reproduction Bru-Jumeau doll with a Seely bisque body. Cotton and lace underwear. Indian wild silk dress and hat. Accompanied by a one-off artist mohair Teddy Bear.

A one-off creation. Clothing, dolls head and bear made by Maria of 
C & M's Bearhugs.


Reproduction Bye-Lo baby doll. Porcelain head and hands with calico body. Dressed in cotton slip, button through nappy and knitted bootees. Pure silk dress and bonnet with lace inserts. Lying on silk cushions and accompanied by an artist one-off mohair Teddy Bear.

A one-off creation made by Maria of 
C & M's Bearhugs.
